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My Dream, Wish & Prayer

I have a dream, a wish and a prayer that I could be going out, telling people about my beautiful relationship with Christ. About how much I deeply love Him. About how much He has changed my world and brings so much light and peace to my life! I envision speaking to large groups, small groups and everything in between! I see myself traveling around the country...the world even...spreading the word and builiding up the Kingdom!

I hear myself doing podcasts to throw out an even bigger net! And all the while...Christ is with me...holding my hand. Guiding me and protecting me.

I can't imagine anything else I would rather do, than go evangelize! If I could have any small (or huge) part in someone giving their heart, mind, body and soul to Christ...THAT'S what I want to do! I feel so impassioned, driven and drawn to do this!

So many people are walking into a dark tunnel. Or they're stuck in the dark tunnel. I want to hold their hand and guide them to the light at the end of the tunnel! He's waiting there for us!

I would love for people to realize how much their lives could and would improve and change. How much they would benefit, if they would surrender themselves to the Lord and turn their focus on Him! I would love to help people arrive at this realization. He is the Way...the Truth...and the Life!

But wait! My dream and wish and prayer are coming true!! I AM starting to do these things! I AM following a pull and a call to evangelize! I AM helping others turn their focus toward the light! I AM speaking to groups of people! I AM doing podcasts and casting a larger net! And I AM not alone!! I could not be doing anything without God's guidance, strength, blessings and help. He is right here with me cheering me on! I feel it!

This is just the beginning! God has heard my prayers and knows what's in my heart! He is guiding me and helping me to know what to say and do and he knows everything I say and do is for His GLORY!

My dream and wish and prayer are slowly, but surely becoming a REALITY! Thank you Jesus...I'm trying hard!

All for YOU!

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About Me


I’m Lori Balderas, I created this podcast for those who are converting, reverting or simply want a FRESH perspective of the Catholic faith to help them to open their hearts and minds to become closer to the love and goodness of Christ.

I converted to Catholicism at the age of 49.  It was, by far, the best decision I’ve ever made! I don’t claim to be an expert or Theologian, but what I DO know is that my heart is bursting with love for the Lord and I want others to feel the same way!  

I feel impassioned and drawn to Evangelize people by sharing my experiences and transformation that have gotten me where I am today.

I will be sharing my personal conversion story and speaking with others about theirs.

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