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Daily Dose of Jesus

I am a very scheduled person who loves a routine! It makes me feel secure to know what I'm doing and when. I'm not a very spontaneous person. I'm working on that...but not doing it very well! But that's alright...I like to have my routine, "to do lists" and a plan!

One thing that is high on my schedule is to attend daily Mass. Just like good sleep, water, food, vitamins and fresh air...I need a "Daily Dose of Jesus" to start my day off on the best foot! I look forward to it and enjoy going very much!

I wake up very early in the morning to start preparing for my day. I like the peace and quiet. I like that it's dark outside. It feels calm and cozy.

I like to take my time getting ready. I like to do my prayer readings in the morning. I like to listen to the podcasts, "Bible in a Year", "Catechism in a Year" and of course..."Fresh Catholic"! All these things really get

me in the right mindset, focused on God's word and focused on His teachings.

Then I head out to church. I'm so grateful to have a church I love and feel so at home at. I love to serve where I'm needed. I love to welcome the parishioners. I love to see all the "daily massers" everyday. They are like family to me! I actually see them more than my own family!

This is just such a beautiful way to start my day! I really struggle on the days (not very often) when I'm unable to attend. I feel thrown off all day when I don't get to go, pray and receive the Eucharist. I feel depleted. When I go, I am filled UP!

A few days a week, the students from the parish school attend Mass. I especially love it when the youngest children come. I love when the Priest or Deacon asks them questions during the Homily. I love to hear their sweet, innocent voices when they answer them or when they recite prayers or sing. They sound like little angels!

I wish more people would take the time to go to daily Mass. I feel it would make a huge difference in their lives. It's only half an hour! People will scroll social media or watch TikTok for longer than that! And...of know those things will never fill you up spiritually like Mass and the Eucharist will!

I hope you will consider other day to attend Mass besides Sunday. You won't regret it! I promise! Now go get your "Daily Dose of Jesus"!!

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About Me


I’m Lori Balderas, I created this podcast for those who are converting, reverting or simply want a FRESH perspective of the Catholic faith to help them to open their hearts and minds to become closer to the love and goodness of Christ.

I converted to Catholicism at the age of 49.  It was, by far, the best decision I’ve ever made! I don’t claim to be an expert or Theologian, but what I DO know is that my heart is bursting with love for the Lord and I want others to feel the same way!  

I feel impassioned and drawn to Evangelize people by sharing my experiences and transformation that have gotten me where I am today.

I will be sharing my personal conversion story and speaking with others about theirs.

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