Corpus Christi
Updated: Aug 28, 2023
Yesterday was Corpus Christi Sunday...the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.
What a beautiful and thoughtful Mass! Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice!
I'm a Eucharistic Minister. This is one of my most very favorite ministries that I'm involved in at the church. I feel so honored to be able to provide our parishioners with the life giving body of Christ! I take this very seriously and feel so overwhelmed with joy when I am able to do this!
To every person that I lift up the host and say, "Body of Christ"to... or to the people receiving a blessing if they aren't Catholic or aren't prepared to receive...I am so blessed to be able to present the Lord to them!
Now, when I'm a Eucharistic Minister, there comes a level of trust. I have to hope and believe that the parishioner receiving from me is actually in a state of grace to receive. It's not for me to judge, that's God's job. He knows the person's heart and soul.
But I would like to encourage people to be very mindful when approaching to receive. If you have committed a sin and haven't gone to confession and received Absolution or don't believe in your heart and soul that the Eucharist is in fact the true body of probably should reconsider receiving until you can be a "clean vessel" and approach with true devotion and reverence for what you are doing. This shouldn't be a mechanical part of your Mass experience! This is THE most important part of why you are attending Mass! It's a true GIFT to be able to receive the precious body of Christ.
This is a beautiful and life giving Sacrament...please take it seriously and be filled with all the gratitude in your heart!