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Lori Balderas

My personal story... Be a bright light

I am a devout Catholic who converted to Catholicism at the age of 49.

It is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to spread the joy and excitement I have to others who are considering joining or returning to the Catholic faith.


Though my Father was raised Catholic and my Mother a Methodist, I didn’t attend any church growing up.  It wasn’t until I moved to a very Christian area in the late 1980’s with my former husband, that I became a Christian.  I fell in love with Christ at that moment and became fascinated with learning more about Him.


I became even more reliant on Christ after a life altering experience at age 23.  My 21 month old son and I were in a horrific car accident while I was 7 ½ months pregnant.  As a result, I not only gave birth to my daughter, but suffered a broken neck as well.

After the accident, we needed to move closer to my family for help in my recovery. This meant leaving my solid Christian support system.  I never 

turned away from Christ, but felt quite a void in my new surroundings back in my hometown and couldn’t find a church I felt happy in. I felt like a lost puppy.


When my third child, a son, was born, I enjoyed being a stay at home Mom to my children. I learned to cope with my permanent disability and made the best of my limitations.  


Years later, when my 25 year marriage ended unexpectedly, I found myself searching for God again in my life.  I started asking Him for help and guidance.  He answered my prayers and my entire life changed.  I didn’t have a “midlife crisis”...I had a “midlife conversion”!


I am now married to fellow Catholic,Simon Balderas and together we own a film production company called, WonderMouse, Inc in Ventura, California.

I am also employed at my local parish, Our Lady of the Assumption, as the Lead Wedding Coordinator.  It brings me great joy to help couples plan and fulfill their Sacramental Marriage ceremonies.


I look forward to my future with Christ as my protector and guide.

He is after all, The Way…The Truth…and The Life!!


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Be Focused, Be Faithful, and be Fresh

Be focused

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Life in this world is full of distractions and a “quick fix”.  There is a lot of excess, images, sensory 

overload and selfish motives.You have to learn to block out the noise!


You have to learn to make Christ the center of your life! Make time to spend with Him.  Close your eyes.  Envision His face. Imagine Him speaking to you and holding your hand and walking with you. Feel a calm wash over you.


Go to Mass. Prepare yourself in mind, body and spirit before going.  Be a clean vessel. Take in all the sights, smells, tastes and sounds. Really take them in, as if you’ve never experienced

them before. Listen to the Word proclaimed.  How is it speaking to you at this moment?


Don’t let others distract you or deceive you into turning your attention to unimportant things that will separate you from what is right and good. Those things and people can’t get you into Heaven.

Be faithful

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We live in a cynical world.  People need to see things immediately in front of their eyes to believe them.  Even then, things can be faked or manipulated for someone else’s gain.


Faith is something you feel in your heart and soul. You can’t put faith on a table or under a microscope. You can’t buy it or sell it.


You have to be brave and willing to surrender yourself to the idea that there’s a mystical being  guiding your life. He doesn’t need to be standing  in front of you physically. Have Faith!


The beauty of having Christ in your heart and soul is that he doesn’t come and go.  He is with you always! Have Faith!


Know and believe that His will is perfect. He has our whole lives planned out already! We just need to be willing participants!  


With Faith comes Hope!

With Him, ALL things are possible!

Miracles HAPPEN!!



Be fresh

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We live in a cynical world.  People need to see things immediately in front of their eyes to believe them.  Even then, things can be faked or manipulated for someone else’s gain.


Faith is something you feel in your heart and soul. You can’t put faith on a table or under a microscope. You can’t buy it or sell it.


You have to be brave and willing to surrender yourself to the idea that there’s a mystical being  guiding your life. He doesn’t need to be standing  in front of you physically. Have Faith!


The beauty of having Christ in your heart and soul is that he doesn’t come and go.  He is with you always! Have Faith!


Know and believe that His will is perfect. He has our whole lives planned out already! We just need to be willing participants!  


With Faith comes Hope!

With Him, ALL things are possible!

Miracles HAPPEN!!



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